Sailing the Black Arrow from Bermuda to Azores. Video by James Kell.

Re-threading a halyard, North Atlantic. Video by James Kell.

Reprovisioning The Black Arrow In Provo. Video by James Kell

Simon kayaking in "Dobra Koza", Sapodilla Bay"

Video, Arriving at Dominica, dolphins jumping

Video, Elephant, Addo Park

Video, By the watering hole. Przy wodopoju

Video, Zebras

Video, Buffalos walking to the watering hole. Bawoly ida do wodopoju

Video, Christmas carols, you are listening at own risk.

Video, Good King Wenceslas, you are listening at own risk.

Video, Rodrigues, traditional dances.

Video: Nieporadne proby surfowania na body board w wykonaniu Gorzaty

Video: Gorzata daje nura. Gorzata diving

Video: Crew performing in the diving competition. Zaloga bierze udzial w konkursie skokow.

Video: Stingray

Video: Shark seen from the distance

Video: cleaning the hull

Video: Rich fighting with the coconut. Rich walczy z kokosem.

Video: Dance group pacticing. Grupa taneczna cwiczy

Video: Funny birds. Smieszne ptaszki chodza po wodzie

Video: Tortoise eating. Zolw pozera galazke

Video: Pelicans fishing. Pelikany lowia ryby.

Video: Panama Canal, water is going up!

Video: Panama Canal, lock opening

Film: Skok w bok. Gorzata uczy sie skakac na leb

Video:Tanker is getting closer

Video of Si and his crab!