S/Y Black Arrow

Black Arrow is a 40-foot sloop with a tough 5mm high carbon steel hull, designed with the help of the Rotterdam Marine Institute. The Yacht was built in Holand during 1989.
Based in the Solent, Black Arrow is capable of true blue-water sailing: she already has four Atlantic crossings to her credit.
Black Arrow has a total of 7 berths on board, but we generally sail with 6 persons.
The engine is a relailable Beta 37.5 HP installed by Simon in October 2005. This gives maximum speed of 8 knots under power and economical crusing speed of 5 knots.
Black Arrow is self-sufficient as all of the power required to run the yacht can be supplied by the large wind generator and the solar pannels.
She is equipped with a satelite phone, which linked to the laptop enables us to send and receive e-mails. This alows us to report our position onto the website and pick up a daily weather forecast.
Black Arrow carries a full wardrobe of sails for all weather conditions. For the Around The World Trip we have purchased a new mainsail, genoa, trisail and storm jib.

The vessel has a Hydrovane wind steering unit installed. This unit works extremly well, which we have proven for over 10.000 miles sailing. It allows crewmembers to supervise the unit rather than having to steer.
For a detailed list of equipment click here