James Kell
I am James, an Australian making a move away from a lifetime of construction to something new.
I’ve always loved sailing but the extent of it had been cruising around the Bay of Islands in NZ. Adventure and the challenge that goes with that have always appealed to me, and the prospect of an ocean crossing with a yachtmaster instructor as skipper was something I had to do.
Until now my sole crewmate has been Matteo. If you want to get an idea of how that guy thinks, read his profile. Yep I don’t either. Beautiful.
Marty joined the other day as the fourth member of this hardy yacht, bringing with him a uke. With a harmonica and a uke on board, we’ll have between now and Azores to think up a band name, write some songs, record them and basically go platinum. Three weeks should do us. Stay tuned...
Matteo Cassullo
I’m Matteo from Italy.
There’s nothing at all so far that attracts me more than living on a boat.
This because I found out I’ve no other chances to get rid of the empty spaces in my mind.
No spring cleanings could get as deep as a cruise in anyone’s soul.
Asti is my hometown, down in Piedmont in the north of Italy, and I’m not happy in it.
I have a mother and a father, I like to have gym by myself, I don’t like thinking so I’d love beeing forced in doing it, because it’s necessary. Even my brother Gabriele used to say that I’m not thinking.
Enough this fact made me think. So I started thinking, and now I’m here with Simon who tells me that I’m not thinking enough again. And I thought that even if he’s not thinking.
At all, the sea is leading. Ok, so let’s look for a balancing.
Marty Quang Duong
So the name is Marty and I’m a 25 year old happy-go-lucky Australian who’s joining the rowdy crew of the Black Arrow from Bermuda to complete an Atlantic Crossing; sounds like fun!
For the present moment I’m vagabonding around the world meeting new friends and people and generally just having a good time with what living has to offer.
So far, my travels have taken me to South and North America, New Zealand and Asia but being on this magnificent sailing vessel (Simon didn’t ask me to write that!) is by far the most exciting thing I’ve done so far yet and I can’t wait to set sail.
I like to surf, dive, go boxing and annoy everybody onboard with my extreme ukelele and singing skills in my spare time.
Please enjoy following myself and the extremely entertaining crew of the Black Arrow as we sing songs and munch on porridge! Yum Yum!!