Ocean Youth Challenge

PO Box 8300, Harby. LE14 4WW
Email:- yvonne@safesailing.co.uk
Tel: 0800 195 2423

Key Sailing Staff

Simon Smith is the Principal of Ocean Youth Challenge, he is also a RYA Yachtmaster Instrutor who trains sailors to the very highest level. He is a former staff skipper on the Ocean YouthTrust sail training boat “Greater Manchester Challenge”.

Highly qualified on sailing and power boats, Simon specialises in teaching families and young people to sail. He has sailed hundreds of thousands of miles, and instructed hundreds of young people in safety and seamanship skills.

Simon’s qualification include
RYA sea survival instructor
RYA yachtmaster instructor for
Sailing yachts and Motorboats
RYA keelboat instructor
RYA powerboat instructor
RYA yachtmaster ocean
Ocean Youth Trust skipper
Challenge yacht skipper
MSA ship captain’s medical

Also on board is another qualified staff member who will provide training. All Ocean Youth Challenge staff are Criminal Record Bureau vetted and have experience working with children/youngsters.

©2005 Safe Sailing